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Maryland Resources

The Maryland Department of the Environment is an excellent source of support for brownfield redevelopment in that state.  In addition to the Land Restoration Program (LRP), which focuses on cleaning up brownfield sites, Maryland has Brownfields Revitalization Incentive Program (BRIP) and real property tax credits for sites that are in a participating jurisdiction.

The Maryland Department of Planning is another organization that can assist with brownfield redevelopment.  The MDP Brownfield Redevelopment Assistance Program is housed there.

Wooden sign states 1255 miles to Ocean City, MD

Additionally, the Advantage Maryland (MEDAAF) program provides funding opportunities for businesses.  The funds must be used to attract and retain businesses, support infrastructure, redevelop brownfield sites, and support strategic planning in eligible industry sectors.

The African American Heritage Preservation Program (AAHPP) provides grants to assist in the preservation of buildings, sites, or communities of historical and cultural importance to the African American experience in Maryland. The AAHPP is administered as a partnership between the Maryland Historical Trust and the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture (MCAAHC). The program typically receives an annual appropriation of $5,000,000 for grants per year. Applications for the AAHPP are typically available in early April and due July 1, with decisions made by December every year.

A list of Maryland land revitalization websites is kept updated by the EPA. Mid-Atlantic TAB maintains contact information for the Maryland Department of the Environment and state EPA representatives.