Mid-Atlantic TAB helps communities and organizations better understand and apply for grant opportunities related to brownfield projects, with an emphasis on EPA’s Brownfield program grants.
Our team has extensive experience in successful applications for US EPA grants and is available to help applicants meet threshold criteria for federal grants, review proposal drafts, provide comments and edits, and discuss recommendations with the project lead. We also help to disseminate information on funding opportunities, through a regularly updated list on our website, our quarterly newsletter, and targeted workshops and webinars on key funding opportunities.
Additionally, our team can provide assistance on specific pieces of EPA brownfield grants, including:
- Assistance in facilitating required public meetings for Cleanup grants,
- Helping with public notice requirements,
- Hosting copies of grant drafts for public comment at the Mid-Atlantic TAB website as requested,
- Identifying local health assessment data and other resources to build better grant proposals,
- Understanding the requirements for Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) on Cleanup Grants, and
- Serving as a liaison between project stakeholders and environmental consultants during the writing of grant applications and the sharing of grant drafts with the community.
Mid-Atlantic TAB also provides support to successful grantees throughout the award and implementation process on things such as the Cooperative Agreement process and understanding the ACRES system and other reporting requirements.
In addition to work on US EPA Brownfield Grants, Mid-Atlantic TAB can help navigate other remediation funding, including newly formed private equity funds whose sole purpose is to prepare sites for redevelopment, philanthropic investment, and other public and private funds.
To request assistance related to funding, contact us at wvutab@mail.wvu.edu.