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Funding Available to Support Workforce Training

EDA Good Jobs Challenge- Due September 27, 2024

The U.S. Economic Development Agency (EDA) Good Jobs Challenge is offering grants of up to $8 million to support sectoral partnerships that train and place workers in good jobs, advance industries in key technologies that fortify the economic and national security of the United States, and advance the competitiveness of the applicant’s region. Projects should create and support training programs that connect in-demand and emerging skills needs of employers with qualified workers and help workers find and keep good jobs that advance their chosen career path.


Eligible activities include design projects like outreach and recruitment plans, developing tracking processes, and program formation, as well as implementation projects to deliver workforce training and wraparound services that place workers into good jobs, including but not limited to registered apprenticeship programs, skills training programs, pre-apprenticeship programs, and on-the-job training. Applicants must propose sectoral partnerships that advance one or more key technology focus area, including:

  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomy, and related advances;
  • High-performing computing, semiconductors, and advanced computer hardware and software;
  • Quantum information science and technology;
  • Robotics, automation, and advanced manufacturing;
  • Natural and anthropogenic disaster prevention or mitigation;
  • Advanced communities technology and immersive technology;
  • Biotechnology, medical technology, genomics, and synthetic biology
  • Data storage, data management, distributed ledger technologies, and cybersecurity, including biometrics;
  • Advanced energy and industrial efficiency technologies, such as batteries and advanced nuclear technologies, including but not limited to for the purposes of electric generation; and,
  • Advanced materials science, including composites, 2D materials, other next-generation materials, and related manufacturing technologies


Competitive applicants should establish a sectoral partnership affiliated with a Tech Hub designee and include direct input from workers in design and execution through partnerships with labor unions or worker-serving organizations.

Eligible applicants include District Organizations of an EDA-designated Economic Development District, Indian Tribes or consortiums of Indian Tribes, States, counties, cities, political subdivisions of a state, institutions of higher education or consortiums of institutions of higher education, and public or private non-profits acting in cooperation with officials of a political subdivision of a State. Applicants must meet the EDA Distressed Criteria (see here). A 50% match is required for most applications, with opportunity for a 20% match based on project area need. Applications must include firm employer commitments to hiring a specific number of workers who successfully complete the training program.


Applications for the EDA Good Jobs Challenge program are due by September 27, 2024.