Brownfield revitalization provides communities with a unique opportunity to improve their long-term resilience to climate change by including mitigation and adaptation strategies into the redevelopment process. This two-part webinar will assist your community to better understand how to view and assess climate risk as part of the redevelopment process, adjust your project to integrate a variety of best practices, improve your EPA grant applications, and strengthen your community’s resilience.
This two-part webinar takes place on June 6 and June 13 from 1:00-2:30 PM.
Presenters will speak to:
- assessing climate hazards on your site;
- considering potential impacts on vulnerable populations;
- learning about resilience strategies to consider in each phase of the redevelopment project; and
- addressing climate hazards as part of your EPA grant application.
June 6 - Part 1 introduces the importance of integrating climate resilience with an environmental justice lens into the brownfield redevelopment process. With a focus on the early stages of the brownfield revitalization process, presenters discuss planning for the reuse of a site in a way that builds resilience, building a foundation of planning policies and codes, and using available tools to understand potential climate impacts on your brownfield site and community.
June 13 - Part 2 considers what role climate resilience strategies can play in the demolition, cleanup, and redevelopment phases of brownfield revitalization and explores the use of green infrastructure and energy efficiency to strengthen your EPA grant application and your community’s climate resilience.