KSU National TAB BiT Tool
Check out Kansas State University TAB's BiT Tool here!
The Brownfield Inventory Tool (BIT) is a comprehensive brownfield program management tool. Users are able to enter detailed site data, upload documents and data, and export data in a variety of formats. All BiT users are asked to create a user name and password to ensure that the data contained in BiT remains private. BiT may also be used as a collaborative tool, IF permission by the primary user is granted to another user.
Getting started with BiT is easy! Once users have an account they will have access to the BiT webtool. Site Inventory Data is the section in BiT where users will manage site-specific information and upload photos or documents for any given site. Import Data allows users to upload data from an Excel or csv file. Generate Reports allows users to create reports using existing report templates. Data Search/Export allows users to search for specific data and export the selected data.