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Resilience in Practice

Are you resilience ready?! Join us as we kick of the first in a 6-part Resiliency Webinar Series as we provide an overview of Resiliency. Resiliency in Practice (Resiliency 101) will define resiliency and provide an overview of how to begin incorporating resiliency planning in your community. This session will highlight FEMA's Community Lifelines and the Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard, which are tools available to assist communities in preparation of resilience planning and preparation. 


JaLeesa Tate is experienced in hazard mitigation, floodplain management, and urban planning. Her hands-on experience in emergency management and urban planning has positioned her to be a leader in developing strategies and recommendations to build resilient communities. Before joining Tetra Tech, Inc., JaLeesa served as the State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO) for Maryland. She spearheaded the development of the State’s Hazard Mitigation Program and increased statewide investment in resilience activities. She also provided national and statewide resilience guidance as the mitigation committee co-chair for the Maryland Chapter of ASFPM and chair of the SHMO subcommittee for NEMA. 

Katie See, AICP is the TAB Project Lead for West Virginia University Technical Assistance to Brownfields (WVU TAB) provider for EPA Region 3. She assists communities and stakeholders with brownfield redevelopment by navigating environmental site assessment and cleanup, identifying funding resources, grant review, and general technical assistance. Through support for the redevelopment of industrial legacy sites, she helps communities establish sustainable economic development initiatives to enhance the well-being and quality of life of community members, attract investment to communities, and maximize resources. Katie has over 15 years of experience as a city and county planner, having worked for communities in WV, FL, NC, and SC.

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