Learn all about brownfield redevelopment, network with others, and explore the marvelous city of Danville, VA at this state conference.
Registration is now open for the 2023 Virginia Brownfields Conference, which will be held in historic Danville, VA, from June 13 at 1 PM to June 15 at 3 PM.
This conference will showcase multiple brownfields success stories from around the state. Featuring a presentation of the ongoing revitalization of the Danville White Mill, now known as Dan River Falls. You'll have the chance to learn about brownfields from concept planning to final development and reuse. We will also cover funding options, mixed-use and main street development, creating a community brownfields inventory, addressing underserved communities, and site assessment challenges.
Representatives from Virginia Energy will lead us off with a special presentation and a day-long Clean Vehicle Expo. Our mobile workshops and social event options will keep us busy and connected. We hope to see you there!